crema di limoncello

crema di limoncello is an italian dessert drink made with lemon infused vodka, milk (and/or cream) and sugar. i first tried making my own  fruit liqueurs  last summer, and two bottles of crema di limoncello were consumed in no time. it is very rich and delicious by itself (and very strong!), but i usually mix it with tonic water, and it tastes heavenly refreshing. 

crema di limoncello

(1) liter vodka (approx. 4-1/4 cups)
(10) lemons
(4) cups milk
(4) cups cream
(4) cups sugar
(2) Tbsp vanilla paste or extract
* approx. vodka : milk : cream : sugar ratio = 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 (by volume)

1. scrub and wash lemons thoroughly under hot running water (to remove any wax coating).
2. using a zester and/or a vegetable peeler, peel (10) lemons - the yellow part only. the white pith gives the bitter taste you don't want.
3. in a large jar (with a tight lid), add the lemon peels and pour (1) liter vodka. close the lid tightly and steep for about 3-5 days in a cool dark place.
4. after 3-5 days, strain the liquid and discard the peels.
5. in a large pot, add (4) cups milk, (4) cups heavy cream and (4) cups sugar and slowly bring to a boil. stir constantly and dissolve sugar completely.
6. turn off the heat and add (2) Tbsp. vanilla paste or extract and let it cool.
7. mix the lemon infused vodka and the cooled milk+cream+sugar mixture.
8. pour into sterilized bottles and store in the freezer.

yield: (4) 750ml bottles