i got my cookie's ashes back.
on a sunny april day 2002, the sweetest little 3 month old cookie came into our lives. he brought us so much joy and happiness and made each of us a better person with the unconditional love he gave us for 16 years.
on a sunny april day 2018, we sent our boy to heaven. words cannot describe how much we miss him.
우리 순둥이 쿡돌아, 너무너무 사랑하고 너무너무 고맙고 너무너무 보고싶다. 사진에서 처럼 활짝웃으면서 하늘나라에서 행복하고 신나게 뛰어놀아라. 사랑해, 우리 쿠키.