pickled red radish

pickled radish is popular as a side dish to fried chicken in korea - typically made with cubed white korean radishes. i was mulling over what to do with the leftover red radishes and parsley from my fish tartare recipe and decide to make this pickle. here is refreshing, easy to make and more colorful version of the typical pickled radish. 

pickled red radish

(8-10) red radishes
(1) sprig of parsley
(4) Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
(4) Tbsp. water
(4) Tbsp. sugar

sugar : water : vinegar ratio 1 : 1 : 1

1. wash and thinly slice (8-10) red radishes.
2. finely chop (1) sprig of parsley.
3. in a bowl, mix (4) Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, (4) Tbsp. water and (4) Tbsp. sugar. dissolve sugar completely.
4. add sliced radishes, chopped parsley and a few pinches of salt into the vinegar mixture and combine well. 
5. cover with plastic wrap or transfer to a canning jar and let it sit in the refrigerator for 24 hours before serving.

yield: (4) servings